High up above Barbican Road
Near to the heart of Barbican Square
Stands a lovely little Church called
Barbican Baptist Church
Truly God's estate
It sets high above Barbican Road
Among the Mango and Ackee tree on
A good size piece of glorious land
Where 90 years ago the members had started to build
only the beginning of what God has planned
From the moment you turn up into the Church's driveway
There are those who will tell you they feel
The peace of the Lord overcome their soul
As they walk or drive up the entrance hill
The view overlooks the Barbican roundabout
That is busy and noisy all day
And the view is even more spectacular
At night with the car lights all aglow
Barbican Baptist Church is a spirit-filled Church
Where many have experienced a rebirth
Where the gifts of theHoly Spirit abound
And the fruits of its Ministry span the earth
The Shepherds appointed over this flock
Are a Godly man and wife
Who have struggled and survived obstacles
That would send most running for their life
For those of us who are called to this place
It is truly a family we have found
And we know in our hearts of hearts
That Barbican Baptist Church stands on Holy Ground
Today, it just now needs everyone of us
While trusting fully in our risen Lord
To give what we can, and put all our hands to the plough
TO complete what God, with us, has planned
The plan of reborn souls in a rebuilt Church
To the glory of the Risen Lord
For only love can build the Church
Whose cornerstone is Christ
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