Pastor's Desk - Testimonies

One of the things I mentioned to the Council when we met on Thursday was the fact that I would like to see us incorporate testimonies in our worship services more often, in our small groups and as we share with one another. I mean real testimonies, telling about what God is doing in our
lives. As I am sure God is acting in our lives and we need to tell others about it. It will encourage the growth of our faith and also encourage others.

Pastor's Desk - Small Group Ministries

Dear Family in Christ

The BBC over its 99 years has had a rich history of having small groups as part of its church’s ministry. These have functioned as Classes where members meet periodically, look out for each other, garner support for harvest, and participate in the worship at Golden Spring church monthly among other things. We also have the Cell groups, the Women’s Federation and the Brotherhood, Sunday School, to name a few. These have served the church well and there are persons who can testify of the impact that these groups have had on their lives.

Pastor's Desk - Family in a family

We all know the value of family and we can in a sense say that the church is a family of families. It is a community of small families bonding together, growing together, praying together, healing together and caring for one another. These are certainly some of the marks of a healthy family. It is no wonder then, that those persons who have experienced this love in their families, desire to transfer the same principles and practices to the church.