The Pastor's Desk - Emancipendence

Dear members and friends of BBC, as we approach this new month in the year 2020 and another Emancipendence, there is cause for celebration and concern. 
We celebrate 100 years of witness as a church. We revel in gratitude to our foreparents for their faithfulness, vision, courage, resilience, fortitude and obedience to God as we acknowledge with awe the grace and goodness and mercy of God.

Pastor's Desk - Rebooting Church

Recently I was introduced to this book,” Rebooting Church”, by Walter Franklyn Davis on Amazon. It is about how the church can access the current technology to attract more members and also to deepen its relevance in a world which is seeing a decline in church membership by 20 percent over the last two decades. Davis sees the threefold goal of the church in pursuing this path of becoming more technologically astute as, Re-thinking, re-imagining and re-booting.