Pastor's Desk - Open Letter

Dear Family and Friends,
I greet you well as we enter another church year. It marks the end of one year and initiates another.

It’s a good time for reassessment, for re-evaluation and renewal.

As you make your assessment it is useful to ask, what did I promise the Lord that I would do in His name and for Him in the outgoing year?

Did I promise to use my gifts more faithfully and fervently?

Did I promise to give more and sacrificially?

Did I promise to speak to more persons about Christ?

Pastor's Desk - Fatherlessness

When you grow up a fatherless son, in many ways you have to raise yourself. No one tells you what looks good on you, how to carry yourself, or provides the approval. Without a father, you grow up never knowing what you didn't have. There is no intimate model of who you want to become, so it's as if you're always guessing. John Hickenlooper

Pastor's Desk - A Good Parent

There is no way to be a perfect parent, but a million ways to be a good one. - (Anonymous)
The months of May and June usually hold special interest for families. because we celebrate special days for mothers and fathers. It is also months in which we should think about parenting as a number of activities usually take place which revolve around parenting.